Crema AE varice
Crema AE varice Hand made natural 100% . O puteti inlocui cu Crema Varice Hirudinaria
Contine: ulei de cocos,verbina, rozmarin, ghimpe, arnica, tataneasa, brusture,galbenele, cimbru, dafin, lavanda, ceara de albine, ulei esential de citrice, ulei masline.
Formula de baza este combinatia dintre cocos, verbina si rozmarin stimuland drenajul natural al venelor varicoase si al sistemului limfatic alaturi de extractul din cele 7 plante naturale macerate in ulei de masline extravirgin. Pielea va deveni mai elastica, mai catifelata iar varicele se vor retrage.
Indicatii Crema AE varice: picioare umflate, varice, inflamatii articulare
Mod de utilizare Crema AE varice: dupa degresarea zonei cu apa calda cu sapun sau apa oxigenata se aplica prin masaj local de 3 ori pana intra in piele. Intensiv se aplica dimineata si seara sau de 4 ori pe zi din 4 in 4 ore, atunci cand vrei ca efectele sa fie cat mai rapide. Aici trebuie sa precizam ca orice crema am folosi efectele reale dupa aplicare nu pot fi mai mult de 4 ore, de aceea aplicare a 4 sedinte pe zi la 4 ore diferenta acopera tratamentul maxim ce poate fi aplicat in ideea stop varice si refacere. Numai cei care cred in reusita tratamentului si nu rateaza nici o zi fara tratament atunci reusita stop varice este garantata.
Efecte vizibile incepand cu a doua zi dupa utilizare intensiva.
Ambalare Crema AE varice: Borcan sticla ambra 120ml
Cand presiunea venoasa crescuta (hipertensiune venoasa) este continua, coloana de sange afecteaza valvele venoase, acestea fiind supuse la presiuni mult mai mari.
Aceasta coloana de sange stagneaza mai mult in compartimentele venoase, declansand procese inflamatorii la nivelul peretilor venosi si valvelor venoase.
Aceste procese inflamatorii duc in timp la functionarea defectuoasa a valvelor venoase (acestea neinchizandu-se corect).
Astfel apare refluxul venos, adica intoarcerea (“caderea”) coloanei de sange in compartimentul inferior.
Prezenta refluxului venos va accentua hipertensiunea venoasa si va permite bolii sa evolueze, conducand la aparitia altor procese inflamatorii.
Astfel apare o crestere a permeabilitatii si fragilitatii capilare, ce vor conduce la edem, afectarea tesuturilor, evoluand catre complicatii.
Acest proces inflamator instalat la nivel venos este responsabil de declansarea simptomelor de tipul “durerii venoase”, pe care pacientii le descriu picioare umflate cu presiune pe vene.
Stop varice cu ajutor natural crema varice AE hand made.
Ce este boala venoasa cronica?
Boala Venoasa Cronica (BVC) este o patologie a sedentarismului in plina ascensiune, importanta din punct de vedere medical si social,
datorita dificultatilor pe care le ridica tratamentul si complicatiile. BVC afecteaza venele si astfel deterioreaza circulatia venoasa
de intoarcere la nivelul membrelor inferioare. Boala venoasa cronica determina frecvent incapacitate de munca prelungita.
Impactul socioeconomic al bolii venoase cronice apare din cauza numarului crescut de persoane afectate, costului investigatiilor,
complicatiilor si suferintei fizice, influentand calitatea vietii si productivitatea.
Stop varice cu ajutor natural crema varice AE hand made.
Factori de risc stop-varice
Atat statul mult in picioare, cat si statul mult pe scaun cresc riscul de BVC.
Ambele implica lipsa tonusului muscular la nivelul picioarelor, ingreunand sarcina venelor de a pompa sangele spre inima.
Obezitatea si fumatul sunt factori de risc la fel de importanti.
Femeile sunt mai predispuse la a dezvolta BVC (mai ales in timpul sarcinii), deci trebuie sa fie mai atente la semnele timpurii,
inainte de aparitia varicelor. Barbatii, pe de alta parte, tind sa-si ignore simptomele mai mult timp, ajungand sa fie diagnosticati cand au deja complicatii.
Daca ai o profesie sedentara, faptul ca te misti cat sa-ti rezolvi treburile zilnice nu este suficient ca sa te protejeze de riscul de BVC.
Cu cat esti mai activ fizic, cu atat esti mai protejat, pentru ca sanatatea venelor din picioare depinde de tonusul muscular al acestora.
Stop varice ca ajutor natural foloseste crema varice AE hand made.
The basic formula is the combination of coconut, verbena and rosemary stimulating the natural drainage of varicose veins and the lymphatic system along with the extract of the 7 natural plants soaked in extra virgin olive oil. The skin will become more elastic, more velvety and the varicose veins will retract.
Indications Varicose vein AE cream: swollen legs, varicose veins, joint inflammation
How to use Varicose vein AE cream: after degreasing the area with warm soapy water or hydrogen peroxide, apply by local massage 3 times until it enters the skin. Intensively apply morning and evening or 4 times a day every 4 hours, when you want the effects to be as fast as possible. Here we must specify that any cream we use the real effects after application can not be more than 4 hours, so applying 4 sessions a day every 4 hours the difference covers the maximum treatment that can be applied in the idea of stopping varicose veins and recovery. Only those who believe in the success of the treatment and do not miss a day without treatment then the success of stopping varicose veins is guaranteed.
Visible effects starting the day after intensive use.
Packing AE varicose vein cream: 120ml amber glass jar
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A few words about the concept of stop varicose veins:
How do varicose veins (chronic venous disease) appear?
When increased venous pressure (venous hypertension) is continuous, the blood column affects the venous valves, which are subjected to much higher pressures.
This column of blood stagnates more in the venous compartments, triggering inflammatory processes in the venous walls and venous valves.
These inflammatory processes lead in time to the malfunction of the venous valves (they do not close properly).
Thus, venous reflux occurs, ie the return ("falling") of the blood column to the lower compartment.
The presence of venous reflux will exacerbate venous hypertension and allow the disease to progress, leading to other inflammatory processes.
Thus there is an increase in capillary permeability and fragility, which will lead to edema, tissue damage, evolving into complications.
This inflammatory process installed in the veins is responsible for triggering symptoms such as "venous pain", which patients describe with swollen feet with pressure on the veins.
Stop varicose veins with natural help varicose cream AE hand made.
What is chronic venous disease?
Chronic Venous Disease (BVC) is a pathology of sedentary lifestyle on the rise, important from a medical and social point of view,
due to the difficulties that the treatment raises and the complications. BVC affects the veins and thus damages the venous circulation
return to the lower limbs. Chronic venous disease frequently causes prolonged inability to work.
The socioeconomic impact of chronic venous disease occurs due to the increased number of people affected, the cost of investigations,
complications and physical suffering, influencing quality of life and productivity.
Stop varicose veins with natural help varicose cream AE hand made.
Stop-varicose vein risk factors
Both standing and sitting on a high chair increase the risk of BVC.
Both involve a lack of muscle tone in the legs, making it difficult for the veins to pump blood to the heart.
Obesity and smoking are equally important risk factors.
Women are more likely to develop BVC (especially during pregnancy), so they need to pay more attention to the early signs,
before the appearance of varicose veins. Men, on the other hand, tend to ignore their symptoms for a long time, ending up being diagnosed when they already have complications.
If you have a sedentary profession, the fact that you move around enough to solve your daily chores is not enough to protect you from the risk of BVC.
The more physically active you are, the more protected you are, because the health of the veins in your legs depends on their muscle tone.
Stop varicose veins with natural help use hand made AE varicose veins cream.